Why Vulnerability Wins

I'm back! 💪

After a three years' physical and mental health journey, things get put into perspective. No longer can you just 'grind' and 'hustle' as before, nor can you dedicate your life to anything other than what truly makes you feel alive. Life is too short. I've learnt so much, about healing, growth, transformation, and ultimately about shedding what doesn't serve you and coming into your authenticity. Being brave to go after what you want. Get the outside noise of all the "shoulds" and "what ifs" and comparisons out and connect to what lies beneath-- the real you.

I realised that as much as I was pushing for mental health and creating spaces of authenticity and vulnerability, I wasn't being fully authentic myself. I had let the world and others dictate what I felt and what I was worth for so long that I didn't even know that those were at times. I busied myself so I wouldn't truly feel. Doesn't that sound a little familiar in our dopamine-ruled, instant gratification, tech and screens-dependent world?

Through grit, surrender and trusting my body, I was able to reverse an autoimmune condition, unexplainable gut issues, heal my nervous system (an ongoing process..!) and come and stay off antidepressants (one of the hardest things I've ever done).

I'm sharing this because I hope that, if someone is going through a challenging time, if someone is afraid to share their truth because 'it would make them look weak', then know that true power lies in darkness- in the challenges we face and overcome, in us expressing our true and unique nature, ESPECIALLY when it doesn't conform to what society expects of us.

I have been embarrassed or ashamed of my journey, of not measuring up or having "made it" in the traditional sense, of not living up to my potential. I have been embarrassed of leading an unconventional career path (should I have stuck with Law... eek), of working through multiple projects and industries, of feeling like I don't function or work like anyone else, of being a generalist and for my gifts being intangible, but I know that has been perfect exactly as it was, exactly what needed to happen to bring me to where I am today, and to be able to build what I'm building now, in the hope of helping others who might be in my shoes.

I've been fortunate to have had multiple teachers, advisors, mentors and role models along the way, and I am so grateful for what you've taught me. I'm grateful to have worked with some of the most incredible people who have expanded and challenged me in the best of ways.

For International Women’s Day, I want to celebrate ME and I want to inspire you to celebrate YOU too, with all our blocks and shortcomings and blindspots. I want you to know that the more you share of your uniqueness and your vulnerability, the more the world gains and the more opportunities come your way. 🦄


(Original post on LinkedIn)